Here you can find a short description of each playable character. We keep it short on purpose to not spoil all the fun to come. It should be enough to make your choices during sign up however.
There is several player groups you can be part of. Largely they are divided in:
Each persona has a reason to be present at the event and every person was invited to the event one way or the other. Our choice is not to give 100% open descriptions on this page as we think it is fun to keep some information closed to the participants. All characters will have connections with other characters. It is up to the players to contact each other and work out their relation.
Each character has an assigned gender. Some are specifically written female, male and some are open to both sexes. Mind you, we do not mind any gender type playing a character or vice versa, but the characters' gender is set for some roles.
The cultists
There will be cultists among the players who will set the supernatural events in motion. However, we have decided to make these templates and not pre-written characters. This means in any run, anyone can be a cultist.
In the signup you will be asked if you might wish to play a cultist. Once we have decided who this is, we will write a personal briefing for those characters which will be added to your briefing.
The upper-class family of the deceased. All of them are used to live in opulent wealth. They are the hosts of this soirée. This is the last official step in saying goodbye to the dearly departed.
Rich, eccentric, posh, arrogant.
The Barbed Widow - Delphine van der Berg (née Lacroix) -♀
You are the grieving dowager of the Dearly Departed and the mother of the Mollycoddled Stepchild. You are seen as an unkind and covetous grande dame who had her late husband spun around her finger.
The Cantankerous Son - Albert van der Berg - ♂
You are the eldest son of the Dearly Departed and a former Captain in the Belgian Army. You are - mentally and psychically - scarred by events that happened during World War I, some 15 years ago.​
The Bumptious Daughter in Law - Theresa van der Berg (née Hendrickx) - ♀
You are the wife of the Cantankerous Son and the daughter of the Discerning Professor Emeritus. You are seen as irritatingly self-assertive and imposing, characteristics that benefit you greatly as the treasurer of the CCNFR (Catholic Cultural Network for Flemish Royalists).​
The Rambunctious Grandchild - Robin Hofman - ♂/♀
You are the child of the Suffragist Daughter and the only grandchild of the Dearly Departed. You are a genderqueer shapeshifter whose privileged upbringing has made them oblivious to the world around them.​
The Suffragist Daughter - Catherine van der Berg - ♀
You are the daughter of the Dearly Departed and the wife of the Acquiescent Brother in Law. You are a devoted activist in the women’s rights movement with political views way ahead of your time.​
The Acquiescent Son in Law - Derek Hofman - ♂
You are the husband of the Suffragist Daughter and the father of the Rambunctious Grandchild. You are estranged from your wife and her relatives. Clearly you only attend this occasion out of some sort of sense of obligation since you still blindly obey your wife’s wishes.​
The Dissenting Youngest Child - Felix/Felicia van der Berg - ♂/♀
You are the youngest child of the Dearly Departed. You are seen as an armchair anarchist whose socialist views scale up or down, depending on the amount of drinks in your system. The only thing more important than your lofty ideals is the safety of your trust fund.​
The Perturbed Sibling - Manfred van der Berg - ♂
You are the brother of the Dearly Departed and the father of the Conceited Cousin & Cherished Godchild. You are a man who has experienced great loss, both personal and professional, which made you suspicious and unsettled about anything foreign.​
The Conceited Cousin - Roderick van der Berg - ♂
You are the oldest son of the Perturbed Sibling and nephew of the Dearly Departed. You are seen as charming but unduly vain. Your exploits and adventures were always funded by your beloved uncle. You have just returned from the Belgian Congo in the African heartland.​​​
The Cherished Godchild - Andreas/Andrea van der Berg - ♂/♀
You are the younger sibling of the Conceited Cousin and youngest child of the Perturbed Sibling. You are a painter who studied in Arkham, Massachusetts (USA). During your studies you became mentally ill and were transferred back home where your father placed you in a psychiatric hospital under the care of the Toffee-Nosed Psychiatrist.​
The Mollycoddled Stepchild - Héloïse Godeaux - ♀
​You are the child of the Barbed Widow from her first marriage. Your overprotective, indulgent upbringing gave rise to you being a rancorous spinster. You live in bitter hostility with your Van der Berg step-siblings.
The Meddlesome Widow’s Brother - Jean-Baptiste Lacroix - ♂
​You are the brother of the Barbed Widow who has always disapproved of her second marriage. As a retired barrister, freemason and lifelong bachelor you feel like your opinion about all things should never be discarded.
The Discombobulated Distant Relative - Robert/Roberta Martin - ♂/♀
​You are a humble school teacher from the poverty-stricken part of town who, until recently, was completely unaware of their blood relation to the Dearly Departed. Astoundingly, the Van der Bergs were aware of your existence but just didn’t care to ever reach out before.
Old friends and acquaintances of the deceased who have been invited to this soirée on behalf of the dearly departed as stipulated in his last will and testament.. Most of them have an exceptional intellectual or artistic ability.
supporting, judging, observing, artistic
The Insightful Painter - Nathan/Nathalie Belmont - ♂/♀
You are an uncelebrated and rather unknown surrealist painter whose work focuses solely on the dreamlike landscapes of their repressed subconsciousness. The Dearly Departed was not only your patron but also became a dear friend throughout the years.
The Slapdash Physician - Dr. Johan/Johanna De Wit - ♂/♀
You are the family doctor of the Van der Berg clan and have been for many years. Your rough approach to medicine is maybe more suited to the grim battlefields of World War I but nevertheless the family has always stood by you. You were present in the final moments of the Dearly Departed after he succumbed to his mysterious illness.
The Cryptic Egyptologist - Dr. Alessandro/Alessandra Santoro - ♂/♀
You are an eccentric old friend of the Dearly Departed whom you haven’t seen in person for over two decades. You spend most of your time in Luxor, Egypt overseeing archeological digs in the Valley of the Kings.
The Unorthodox Conservator - Edgar/Edna Goswin - ♂/♀
You are a specialised and sought-after art conservator who is often consulted by renowned institutions. You had a longstanding professional relationship with the Dearly Departed who was a prolific private collector.
The Audacious Musician - Vincent/Vivian Adams - ♂/♀
You are the favourite musician of the Dearly Departed and oftentimes collaborator with the Vivacious Jazz Singer. Although plagued by recent scandals you are still considered a legend in your craft.
The Whimsical Writer - Sven/Svenja Westlund - ♂/♀
You are an historical novelist and researcher of pre-Christian pagan cultures. You, the Dearly Departed and the Apprehensive Astronomer were neighbours who sometimes came together to discuss their fields of interest over a glass of brandy.
The Apprehensive Astronomer - Dr. Ulysses/Penelope Cavendish - ♂/♀
You are a well-respected astronomer connected to the Royal Astronomical Society and a friendly neighbour of the Dearly Departed. Together with the Whimsical Writer you sometimes conferred about your interests, although you were undoubtedly the most sceptical of the bunch.
The Discerning Professor Emeritus - Dr. Randolph Hendrickx - ♂
You are an old fraternity brother of the Dearly Departed and the father of the Bumptious Daughter in Law. Your friendship with the Dearly Departed was sealed for life by the marriage of his son to your daughter. You have retired back to Belgium after teaching history at the Miskatonic University in Arkham, Massachusetts (USA).
The Toffee-Nosed Psychiatrist - Dr. Abraham/Abrianna Kappenmacher - ♂/♀
You are a quite pretentious psychiatrist specialising in Jungian psycho-analysis and electroconvulsive therapy. You have treated several members of the Van de Berg family, most recently the Cherished Godchild.
The Vivacious Jazz Singer - Dixie Barcey - ♀
You are an English-American Jazz Singer who often collaborates with the Audacious Musician. Your stage persona is nothing more than a façade to hide your troubled past which you’ve been running from your entire adult life.
The Pertinacious Antiquarian - Hektor/Hester Prinn - ♂/♀
You are a globetrotting, black market antiquarian who considered the Dearly Departed one of their best clients. His demise has left a considerable negative impact on your income so you are determined to fill this monetary void.
The Garrulous Secretary - Margaret ‘Peggy’ Jacobs - ♀
You are the former secretary of the Dearly Departed and his only employee to receive an invitation to the reading of his will. You made sure the entire office was keenly aware of this privilege. You are often seen as a chatterbox who loves to gossip.
The Quixotic Philanthropist - Baron(ness) Ghislain/Ghislaine de Favereau - ♂/♀
You are the head of a minor noble family who has devoted their life to charity and philanthropy. You are the president of the CCNFR (Catholic Cultural Network for Flemish Royalists) of which the Bumptious Daughter in Law is the treasurer.
People of all statures who have been paid by or were dragged in by a family member to be present. They could also be part of the last will without anyone knowing except for the notary. They are like a fish out of water and have little knowledge of what to expect during this event.
​Surprised, brooding, hoping, tempted.
The Parochial Notary - Cornelis Meyers - ♂
You are a provincial, minor-league notary who was chosen by the Dearly Departed to execute his final will and testament. You feel that this client has brought far more headaches and challenges than you bargained for.
The Unheralded By Blow - Louis/Louise Chasseur - ♂/♀
You are a lonesome drifter of very humble means who has, very unexpectedly, received an invitation to this reading of the Dearly Departed’s final will. Reading his name has brought up some repressed childhood memories.
The Surreptitious Mistress - Elisabeth Rodenbach - ♀
You are the former paramour of the Dearly Departed, a little-known fact the Van der Berg family would rather sweep under the rug. The jealous Barbed Widow must assume you are a run-off-the-mill gold digger but they should never judge a book by its cover.
The Industrious Spy - Theodore/Dorothea Keppler - ♂/♀
You are a foreign spy who has swindled an invitation by posing as a business partner of the Dearly Departed. You have come to this event with a clear mission and daunting superiors to report to.
The Cold-Eyed Constable - César De Mulder - ♂
You are a local bluecoat who was asked by the Parochial Notary to be present at the reading of the will, out of uniform of course. You see this event as an easy way to make some extra cash at the expense of rich snobs.
The Jolly Liaison - Damien/Dahlia Jordaens - ♂/♀
You are a confidant and part-time lover of the Rambunctious Grandchild. They plan to sneak you in to alleviate their boredom and bring some life to the proceedings. You however come from a very modest household and are flabbergasted by the opulent lifestyle of the Van der Berg family.
The Impious Preacher - Oswald de Pradt - ♂
You are the priest and confessor of the Van der Berg family, especially the Barbed Widow. To the outside world you are a devout Catholic but in private quarters it’s an entirely different story.
The Flippant Socialite - Savannah Delgado - ♀
You are a dear American friend of the Cherished Godchild who they met while studying in Massachusetts. You were dismayed by the fact that their family has put them in psychiatric care and have come to Europe to convince the Van der Bergs to release them.
The Perfidious Reporter - Stephen/Stephanie Coen - ♂/♀
You are a self-employed journalist who will do whatever it takes to break the latest scoop. You have blackmailed the Parochial Notary to be present here under the guise of his secretary so you can finally uncover all the juicy secrets of this eccentric family.
The Enigmatic Prince(ss) - Prince Alexandr Vladimirovich Golitsyn/Princess Alexandra Vladimirovna Golitsyn - ♂/♀
You are an exotic noble of a vague and mysterious Slavic princely family who is at all times attended by their Delphian Equerry. No one, safe from the Parochial Notary, knows why you have been invited to this proceeding.
The Delphian Equerry - Zoltán/Zoltána Horvath - ♂/♀
You are the peculiar servant of the Enigmatic Prince. The etiquette and cultural customs around yourselves are seen as unusual to downright bizarre and might raise a few eyebrows.
The Cringeworthy Parvenu - Gertrude Berkhoff (née Hardt) - ♀
​You are a wealthy widow and a social acquaintance of the Van der Berg family, who often look down on you since you are of the nouveau riche. You cultivate an unhealthy rivalry with the Barbed Widow which could round a nasty corner at any given time.
The Fraudulent Psychic - Ivan/Ivana Zakarian - ♂/♀
You are a disreputable, self-proclaimed psychic of murky and questionable ancestry. You were brought in by the Dissenting Youngest Child since you promised to be able to contact the spirit of the Dearly Departed.